Blog Pages

Tuesday 30 November 2010

The Sketchbook Project [54,55]

The Sketchbook Project, Below the Surface- a kingfisher catching a fish. This one is a bit different to my usual style. Watercolours & gouache

Monday 29 November 2010

The Sketchbook Project [52,53]

I've just done a load of scanning, I didn't realise I had so many of The sketchbook project pages not done, so here is the first of the batch. One page I painted with gesso [the paper is so thin] and the other was stuck to the next. The sticking of two pages doesn't seem any better than the gesso, so I have gone back to doing that. It could be my sticking that is the problem, it's not flat. I also wonder if people will try to unstick the pages. The gesso has ruined some of my best pens so I've started using some old felt tips, gel pens and cheap supermarket brush pens which is what I have used for the above.
We have had more snow, I've never seen so much here before. I thought these planters looked like giant snow cupcakes.

Saturday 27 November 2010

Robins and animal sketches, Illustration Friday

 The word for Illustration Friday challenge this week is 'savour'. Do you think this giant will savour his meal?

Friday 26 November 2010

Thursday 25 November 2010

People Book [35] & Snow

Yesterday I saw the first snow of the season, & I was expecting another small flurry overnight but the snow was quite deep this morning. My hubby informs me that the last time we had snow this early in the year was 17 years ago. It doesn't seem 2 minutes since the long heavy snows of last winter. The snow looked very pretty on the branches of the trees [see bottom picture]

Wednesday 24 November 2010

The Sketchbook Project [44-51]

I'm posting  four double pages today from my book for The Sketchbook Project because they are linked. The edge of the paper at the top has been trimmed and there are holes in the pages to see what is 'below the surface'. Each page has it's own [below the surface] subject too.

Tuesday 23 November 2010

Boxes, Bags and Small Pictures

 I was having a little sort out & came across a box of items I used to take to craft fairs. Well as I don't do them any more I thought I would add some of the items to my website shop, most at reduced prices.
So I have boxes.... [ in the Christmas shop]

small pictures...... [ in the card shop]

these two little frames are so cute

and bags.... [also in the card shop]

Monday 22 November 2010

Tree Decorations Tutorial

To make the tree decorations you will need some metal bangles and some small square scraps of fabric - a piece to go each side of the bangle. Pin it all round, then stitch it all round, some I have stitched both sides of the bangle. You can put the hanging tag around before you stitch or after as I have on most of them. Trim around when the stitching is finished, being careful not to trim the hanging thread if you did put it on before stitching.

The bangle below is made using a 'see thru fabric', this one has a sparkly sheen to it [organza] Before stitching I put some gold snowflakes, stars and a red star between the fabrics. I also stitched across the circle several times as I didn't want all the sequins to go to the bottom.

This one has bits of organza in different colours and some metallic scraps and was stitched across randomly. The organza looks good next to the window where you can see through them. you could try other things in the centre.

This one is just a textured metallic silver fabric

For this one [each side is different] I did the embroidery first [actually they were recycled scraps from another projects]

The blue one is from some old embroidered clothing 

Gingham for the country kitchen look - background is large checks & the stitched scraps are smaller squares.
They could be made really neatly if you have the inclination & time.

The snowman was also made from a bangle. Bend it to shape, then cover it with tissue & pva glue. Let it dry, then paint white. Stick on beads for eyes etc. The hat & buttons were made from faux leather scraps, you could use felt instead. Before sticking the hat, put a small hole thru the top of the head and thread thru a hanging wire. Finish off with a bit of ribbon for a scarf.

Sunday 21 November 2010


Take a Stitch Tuesday - the stich for week 38 is Picot Chain Stitch and it is the line stitched in the darkest pink on my sample. It looks very untidy compared to the other stitches which were done a few years ago. {I did have my glasses on!} If you want to join in or see how to do the stitch click here.

I also entered the Illustration Friday challenge - sneaky - but I sneakily used a drawing from my Sketchbook Project - which you see on another page on this blog [see top right]. The drawing I used was the top one & I thought maybe either the fisherman or the shark was the the sneaky one, but there have been suggestions that it should be the bird?

Friday 19 November 2010

People Book [33,34]

My plan was to show you some other tree decorations I had made, but the photos were awful & blurry so I will need another attempt at doing them [3rd time lucky?]. in the meantime here are some more pages from my People Book, which is an altered book & a place for me to practice people drawing. [although I have just collaged on the above pages, no actual drawing there]

Thursday 18 November 2010

Hand Made Bead Tree Decorations

I had a bag of junk, sorry I mean treasure from a friend who had had a clearout [I'm the junk magnet!(well you never know when some of it will come in handy)] and amongst the items were lots of those thin metal bangles and strings of beads. So I've combined the two to make some decorations. Just wrap the string of beads round and round the bangle until the ends meet, then twist the end bead round the other end bead to keep it in place. The red one is a thicker plastic bangle and the string of beads were not as long as the others, so they are kept in place with ribbon. The gold ones were longer, so a hanging loop was made with the extra length. The others can be hung from a tree as they are or you could attach a hanging loop with ribbon or thread.

Wednesday 17 November 2010

People Book [32]

Altered book, I also use the book to draw people in different styles.
The rows of queens you see in the background on the left page are collaged parts of business cards, the design on them was for a digitally printed fabric which I did when I was at college. There is another collaged peice on the right page of another fabric design, this one is not very clear so I've another picture of it below. They were both inspired by playing cards.