Blog Pages

Saturday 23 April 2011

Doodle and Alterations

 Below are experiments using Paint.NET. I started out with the doodle above drawn with felt tips

 These two remind me of a quilt

 After the last alteration above and I used another page of drawings on top as a background.

Wednesday 20 April 2011

Beaver & Sea Scene

Above is a quick beaver sketch.
I did a similar doodle to the one below for the sketchbook project, but this one is the original. Click here to see the other version.

Monday 18 April 2011

Croc n' Frog Collage

I've been doing collage for many years, in various forms, but seeing the work of Elizabeth St Hilaire Nelson inspired me to create this picture. The background is an acrylic painted canvas and the animals are created using torn pieces of paper [after being painted] - my own prints, pages from books, music etc
The canvas was painted before adding the paper [below]. I was a bit nervous about adding the paper as I like the painting without it and I did make a bit of a mess with the glue and had to repaint some of the background [I'm very messy with glue]
The original drawing in my sketchbook is below [brush pens]. I used this for one of the Illustration Challenges [warning]

Which version do you prefer?

Saturday 16 April 2011

Illustration Friday & Doodle Pattern

doodle pattern [pens, felt tips, etc]
Illustration Friday challenge
this weeks word is 'Journey'
I started one, thought of something else which I did, then went back to the first one, so I have two attempts for this challenge.
The elephant I had lying around in my stash, it was painted with acrylics and the texture was a result of using a handmade rolling stamp. The cases I did yesterday with brush pens and the background is watercolour and pen. All collaged together with the addition of ribbon around the cases & elephant.
For the picture below I used pen, brush pens and watercolours. 

Friday 15 April 2011

Jewellery Sketches

There are different ways of spelling jewellery depending on where you are from. I've used the UK version as I'm in the UK, but I think I prefer the US version - jewelry, as it is spelt like I say it.

Thursday 14 April 2011


 I did this doodle quite a while ago, with the intention of doing an embroidery or applique with it, but I've never got round to it ...yet. I even converted it into a square picture as shown in the two examples below. There would be a lot of stitching if it was hand embroidery. I did print the design on some lutradur with the intention of doing freehand machine embroidery on it, but the lines were just too close together [at that size anyway]

Tuesday 12 April 2011

Fiber Arts/Mixed Media & Sketchbook Challenge challenges

I did this picture for the Fiber Arts/Mixed Media challenge - 'Goin Global'. All the papers were hand painted, then I've enhanced with machine stitching.
The picture below is another one for the Sketchbook Challenge - 'Branching Out - On a Limb'
I've done some digital variations of this which can be seen on Flickr
Brush pens

Saturday 9 April 2011

Flowers, Bee & Bottled

 Flowers for a lovely sunny day and because I actually got round to doing some gardening. And a bee because I saw one today. I also saw a really large wasp.
The theme this week for Illustration Friday is 'Bottled' So I have bottled some berries.