Blog Pages

Friday 30 August 2013

Marsden Rocks

My daughter was visiting today and so we had a little trip to Marsden Rocks near South Shields. The weather was gorgeous and the sea looked very blue, unusually as it most often looks grey.
This sea stack used to be a lot bigger, there used to be an arch joining another stack. It partly collapsed in 1996 and the rest was demolished as it was classed as unsafe.

This sea stack is called Lot's Wife.

We spotted this isopod on the beach, I think it may be a eurydice pulchra
[the internet is a wonderful thing]

Thursday 29 August 2013

Floral and Doodle

Two floral arrangements done on the tablet

and a doodle from a 'real' sketchbook. The white lettering was achieved by transferring letraset letters onto the page then removing them after painting, so they acted like a resist.

Wednesday 28 August 2013

Garden and Sketchbook Pages

This lovely geranium is in a hanging basket in my garden

I like the birdhouse peaking through the shrubs.

I used some old letraset decorative tape first, then Caron Dache Neocolour crayons. Bits from a blue doyley were stuck on, then the plants were drawn with a chinagraph pencil and then markers.

More of the letraset, alphabet letters this time. The letraset does not always transfer properly because it is old. I used the crayons again, brusho and metallic oil pastel.

Tuesday 27 August 2013

Digital Ladies

Digital creations done on a tablet. The dress was art created in a regular sketchbook and the face and background created from scratch on the tablet.

In sketchbook pro I used a pen and the mirror tool for the face above, both sides of the face are the same whereas I used a pen without the mirror tool for the face below and the features are uneven [probably more realistic though rather wonky in this case]
The background was from a sketchbook, the dress [looks like a curtain!] started as artwork and was altered on the tablet. The face created from scratch on the tablet.

Sunday 25 August 2013


Ideas for a small A4 landscape art quilt

Friday 23 August 2013

Embroidery/Mixed Media/New Camera

Trying out a couple of close ups with my new camera on an embroidered picture on the wall.

And a page from my sketchbook - I collaged scraps from a gardening book, used brusho inks to paint over, drew the tree with neocolour crayons and a posca pen for the red details

Thursday 22 August 2013

Tuesday 20 August 2013

More Flowery Creations

All created on my Galaxy Note 10.1. The dragon flies on the lower picture are applied with a brush and are part of the sketchbook pro app; the flowers and background I created from scratch.

Monday 19 August 2013

Floral Digital Art and Lana's Blog

These were created on a tablet [Samsung Galaxy Note 10.1]. I used the sketchbook pro app and took advantage of the mirror tool. I used the same picture and altered it in two ways - below. Click on the images to enlarge.

Lana Gordon has been doing interviews with fabric designers who use Spoonflower and today she featured me. To check out my interview and meet other designers go to Lana's blog here

Saturday 17 August 2013

Even more of Beamish

 a wall full of metal posters

The pictures above were taken in the open store, a behind the scenes collection [not open all the time]

The desk was in the farm house

The wash buckets were in one of the shops in the town

This is a 'new' building - St. Helen's church, a medieval building rescued from demolition at Eston and re built here. Read more here. All the bricks were numbered so they would know where to put them back together.

One of the horses

Friday 16 August 2013

More of Beamish

I love drawers so there are a number of photos of them. The drawers above were in the garage, most people were looking at the cars and things related to cars, while all I was interested in was the drawers. There was another set next to these but I couldn't get a good shot.

There was a new [to me] 'open store' with an array of objects

more tomorrow