Blog Pages

Thursday 27 December 2018

Happy New Year

Thank you for visiting my blog and for all the lovely comments you have left. I hope you all have a happy and healthy 2019. Hope to see you in the New Year.
Best wishes, Linda

Thursday 20 December 2018

DF Fabric Collection

Once again I have used a limited colour palette although this time there are more colours to work with. These are photos of the actual fabric swatches which are about 8" square. I named the collection DF after the first design I did using this palette, doodle flower.

See the collection at Spoonflower, there are another two fabrics in this collection too.

Wednesday 19 December 2018

Natural Fabric Collection

These are photos of the actual fabric swatches which are about 8" square.
I found this colour selection through Spoonflower, once again it is a limited palette.

See the collection at Spoonflower.

Tuesday 18 December 2018

Vampire Fabric Collection

I found this colour palette on Spoonflower and the name that came with it -Vampire or Palette 0013 which is what use. My samples have nothing to do with vampires! These are photos of the actual fabric swatches which are about 8" square. Once again it is a limited colour palette and these are the colours used. 

See the collection at Spoonflower

Monday 17 December 2018

October Fabric Collection

I designed some new collections of fabrics with friends in mind and gave the swatches to them as gifts as they love sewing. These are photos of the actual fabric swatches which are about 8" square. This set is called October, I used a limited colour palette of 5 colours.

See this collection in Spoonflower

Sunday 16 December 2018

Gifts from Arty Friends

I received these handmade gifts from friends, two scarves one of which was printed, a pair of oven mitts and a box which opened up to reveal wooden dolls with paint and fabric to decorate them. The picture below shows the opened box, and more of the printed scarf. Clever friends eh?