Blog Pages

Sunday 17 January 2010

Layers Book [The End]

vintage photo print on silk, acrylic paint, watercolour paper frame, acrylics, ink stamp, chalk pastels, charcoal

gouche paint & stamp, ink stamp (egyptian bought stamps), aquerelle crayons, shimmer paints, acrylic brown ink wash [bubble wrap marks]

collograph [layered], shimmer paints, acrylics, stamp, hand stitching

The End


  1. Your layers book is simply fantastic!I enjoyed watching every page! The whole project is just gorgeous and very impressive-it a real treasure!

  2. I love your colours and textures! Great work x

  3. Thanks for your comments, they are very welcome.

  4. Hi Linda. Just wanted to say thanks for leaving a comment on my blog. Just visited your website and tried to leave you a message but it kept throwing me out.
    Love your web design and your work is wonderful. So pleased I went over and had a look. Take care. Lynda


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