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Monday 22 February 2010

Mythical Mail - cover

I had a sketch book sitting on my shelf for quite a while as I wasn’t sure what to do with it. As the pages were brown paper, the kind you wrap parcels in, I eventually decided that the book would be good for a subject to do with mail. I had fairy tale characters in mind and made a start but soon got a bit ‘stuck’. Thanks to my friend Helen & her daughter we had a brainstorming day which got the old brain cells working and after that the ideas kept coming. The book was finished last year & I really enjoyed doing it.

All the postage stamps in the book are not my art work but are original ‘recycled’ stamps from around the world, which I have been collecting for years. Helen kindly donated some too from her stash. The extra post marks which were not already on the stamps were rubber stamps purchased from ‘Crafty Individuals’.

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