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Sunday 4 April 2010

The early bird catches the worm

Painted canvas, lots & lots of hand embroidery [quite hard to do on painted canvas!]

Painted background canvas. Embroidered canvas applied to background in layers.
for more images & close ups click here

This picture is part of the 'Layers' exhibition with Vervey at Stockton


  1. That must have taken some time! I know how hard it is to stitch on painted canvas. Lovely work.

  2. Oh beautiful! That bird is great! xoxo

  3. This looks like it was hard work... but a very nice result! The Bluebells and the red flowers look especially good. Thanks for your comment on my blog btw, it's my first one I've posted for a while... I need to get back to doing more work!

  4. wow this is incredible and all of your patterns and textures are so lovely


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