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Friday 16 April 2010

Mythical Mail - Ugly Duckling & Illustration Friday Challenge

I printed the gift certificate, the stamps were recycled as usual.
The letter says Dear Duckling, I'm enclosing a gift certificate which entitles you to a free makeover, then you may become beautiful like me. Harry Gant. [or should I have spelled it - arro-gant]
The first post for Mythical Mail started in February.
Below is my offering for the Illustration Friday Challenge - this week the word is 'detective'
Are you wondering what this has to do with detective?
You are the detective & you have to find the criminal. A clue - it's a fish. Another clue? It's a fish with a mask. [click the picture to enlarge]

1 comment:

  1. Hello!

    I find your paintings very beautiful, different and so fun. I'm loving the colors!



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