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Wednesday 2 June 2010

Monoprint Quilt

A few weeks ago I started an art quilt, inspired by a rainbow of colours. I had the idea of doing a monoprint with lots of markings on it. I put the paint on my covered work surface and made marks in it, then placed the fabric on top & brayed it with a roller. It didn't work out to plan and although I like a lot of the areas they were not exactly what I wanted. The problem may have been because it is quite a large peice 80x130cm, [never even done a paper mono print this big!] so the paint was drying at one end while I was still painting at the other and because it is fabric rather than paper, or maybe I didn't press the fabric into the paint hard enough. Afterwards I scored the surface with a fork to make some marks.
The quilt is to have some non textile elements on it and I plan to do lots of embroidery.

I did do the area below using a plastic net type material with dyed paper threaded through it, then stitched. The actual background fabric is quite hard to stitch through because of the paint as well as the size. 
But then I kept asking myself all week, shall I continue or not?
Well I did a lot more today & I think I shall continue with it.

1 comment:

  1. OOOOOH My goodness you have every color that I love here. All messed together so beautifully! How fabulous! I love this so much!! It's wonderful work. Great work!


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