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Monday 16 August 2010

When Colours Collide - Art Quilt

I started this quilt for the international patchwork competition called 'when materials collide' and I call my quilt 'when colours collide' as it has so many different colours in it. As part of the competition one had to 'overcome the restraints of fibre and to integrate non-textile materials into the piece'. I have blogged about the start of the quilt and bits of it previously in June. The  non-textile bits include paint, DVD's [cut up], plastic net, string, beads, sequins and tomato puree tubes. The deadline came and I didn't finish it [still not finished], I probably could have if I had really tried but I wasn't sure about it [it's not my usual style - which can be seen on my website] and with the cost to enter & delivery to France I talked myself out of it. It took a lot of hours as it has been all hand stitched and quilted apart from the edging, and was quite difficult to stitch in places where the paint was thick. I did try quilting it on the machine but I find big pieces too difficult and stressful[how do people do it?]. The question now is - do I finish it? What shall I do with it if I do? Would anybody want to buy it? Or shall I chop it up and use it in other work? I would be grateful for your comments, and tell me whether you like it or not, even if you think it is hideous. I do like bits of it but I'm not sure about the whole thing. To finish the quilt I need to finish the edging & I also have another stringy/bead thing to put on, so probably not loads of work, but now the competition deadline is way gone, the inclination to finish has too.

I'm sorry the photos aren't as good as they could be. When the quilt was hanging on the door the quilt was at an angle [I couldn't shut the door or open it fully], likewise when it was on the floor I took the picture from one end and some photos are a bit blurry.


  1. I especially like the bottom detail. I love the textures and colors in it. It seems like a shame to cut this piece up. Put it aside and come back with fresh eyes. Then find a different contest to send it to.

    Thanks for stopping at my blog and your comment!

  2. What beautiful colours and the stitching details are wonderful. Dont cut if up what if you used it for the centre piece for a larger quilt.

  3. Thanks for your comments and suggestions ladies. I don't think I would have the patience to do a larger quilt Shirley, I found this one [130x80cm] difficult enough to maneuver at times. But I'll give it some more thought before I decide.


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