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Monday 20 June 2011

Sketchbook No 8, p4,5&6, and Another Place

I recently went to Liverpool and a few miles up the coast at Crosby Beach are the cast iron figures by Anthony Gormley called 'Another Place'. There are 100 of them spread out over 3 kilometers. It depends on the tide as to how many you would see. The tide was out when I went so all of them were visible, although I didn't count them. They were more spaced out than I was expecting, I'm not sure you would be able to see them all from one position. The ones in the sea the longest are the most crustiest with barnacles etc, I liked these the most - lots of texture.

 Also lots of jelly fish.

1 comment:

  1. Lovely sketches Lin. The trip to the beach sounds - and looks great. I've never seen anything like those statues out at sea before.


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