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Monday 4 July 2011

Freezer Paper Experiments

Well I had a bit of a tidy up in my studio the other day, shocked my husband as he could actually see the workbench! Anyway I came across some scraps of freezer paper which I was going to throw away but I thought I would have a little play instead. For the sample above I folded the paper, then randomly cut 'circles'. I ironed it onto fabric then painted with acrylics, after drying I removed the paper. They look like stones, perhaps I should cut them out to make a wall?
For the sample below I used a few bits of freezer paper, which I folded in different ways, then cut out sections, then ironed them all next to each other on the fabric. I used a more watery acrylic for this. I may paint the white parts if I ever get around to doing anything with it.

below - the fabric was already attached to the freezer paper so I carefully scored the paper with a craft knife and removed bits of the paper. I painted with acrylics again to make the wavy lines. I think this piece needs a lot more doing to it.


  1. Your experiments with the freezer paper are really interesting.

  2. ooo it's realley effective! off to Google freezer paper today! Love the colours you've used too xx


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