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Monday 15 August 2011

Beaded Monoprints & Rolling Stamps [30-33]

These mini canvases were pressed into thick green acrylic paint, then while the paint was wet I fixed on the beads. It seemed a good idea at the time, although now I'm not so sure..... I don't like them.

More rolling stamps - No 30 was made from a piece of ....? ...the fabric that keeps little [wall] tiles together. Keep your eye open for textured fabrics, they make great rolling stamps. If you are throwing something away, think before you do, you maybe able to recycle it for a rolling stamp. And save empty bottles and other round containers.

No 31 - this fabric I acquired from a friend

No 32 was made from pipe insulation

No 33 is a wine bottle cork, just simple lines cut from the edge


  1. I think your little canvases look really effective, although I do know how it feels to complete a project which seemed a good idea at the time and then you dont like it !
    (presents maybe!!!!!!)

  2. Thanks Sam. Presents sounds like a good idea, although do keep looking at them & thinking how I could change them.


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