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Monday 31 October 2011

Skeleton Dance and Time

Still messing with skeletons.....
Below is my entry for Take a Word challenge  - time
My own photos with flower clock drawings. The song is an old one by the Bryds ['Turn, turn, turn' which was  from the Bible -Ecclisiates 3:1] although I remember the version by the Seekers more, but since doing it I keep thinking of the Freddie Mercury song 'Time waits for nobody'.


  1. Finaly, an optimst vision of time.
    Despite flowers don't live a so long time...
    I love the clock-flowers!

  2. Great image very innovative. Cheers

  3. I LOVE your sun & clock flowers Lin.
    They really brighten up your day !

  4. A cheerful colorful interpretation of the challenge. Good work!

  5. What an interesting combination of photos and doodling! Love your skeletons!


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