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Thursday 15 December 2011

Gel Printing Plate

Remember last month I said I'd won a prize on the Sketchbook Challenge, well it came a couple of days ago. It is a 'Gelli Arts' gel printing plate - basically you put paint onto the jellylike surface and then create patterns by pressing objects into the paint or drawing on it with a stick or something. You then put the paper on the top, gently rub and pull the paper off. I thought I would have a quick play with it but ended up doing 35 pages, just with items I'd found to hand such as bubble wrap. The green paper was made with a hand whisk which is one of my favourites I use in batik. I like the plate and will find it a very useful tool and it will be excellent for making background papers or papers for collage. Since doing the above I wondered whether it would also be useful for fabric - I've had a quick try and I'm impressed with my first efforts. I've not taken photos of those yet but will soon.


  1. These are fabulous - can't believe it's your first venture with the Gelli plate. Thanks for sharing your 'quick play' with the plate!


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