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Tuesday 21 February 2012

TAST 8 and Vintage Threads

Take a Stitch Tuesday - this week we are doing chain stitch. It is a simple stitch so this time I have kept the page for my fabric journal fairly simple. There is a piece of vintage fabric, some painted paper, dyed lace and a needle felted flower. This page was attached to another page with blanket stitch.
Below are some vintage threads that I bought at an Embroiderers Guild meeting, I love the cards that the thread is wrapped around.


  1. Lins, so nice card! this stitch is like crocheted chains.

  2. I like this. It says spring is coming forth from the soil to me. Your sample also made me think of using chain stitch on some of my paper projects -- thanks!
    Happy Stitching! Gail

  3. Your card is striking in its simplicity.
    The vintage cards of thread are elegant. It will be difficult to use up the thread, I guess?


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