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Wednesday 14 March 2012

TAST 11 and Tiger Cushion

The stitch this week for Take a Stitch Tuesday is 'whipped wheel' which I know as 'spider's web' but it is also known as 'ribbed wheel' and there are other names too. I could barely fit two names on the label.
 [click on images to enlarge]
I have used scraps, leftovers from a previous work which are two small appliques of vintage fabrics with machine and hand embroidery. I've stitched them onto the velvet [upcycled curtains] background with running stitch and further embellished with beads. I have stitched the wheels in various sizes and it appears I worked them a little differently too. My version mainly has eight spikes, some worked as one cross stitch over another and some like the beaded one below which has eight individual spikes. For that one I threaded the beads onto each spoke, not the same number on each spike though which made the web quite difficult to stitch and looks untidy after the whipping had been done. [the beads did look more orangey in the bottle, they look quite pinky on the fabric]

For the beaded wheel below I stitched the centre bead before I started whipping, but stitched on the rest after the whipping.

Another knitted motif from my old stash. This one was going to be a jumper but it never got finished. Rather than include it in one of the blankets I decided to make a cushion with it. The back of the cushion is the same fabric I used on the TAST challenge above [upcycled curtain]. Some of the blankets can be seen in past posts here or on flickr here


  1. Your patchwork of scraps is lovely, especially with all that intricate stitchwork - it looks like a real designer piece.

    Your cushion is great too. What fabulous recycling (or upcycling) projects.

  2. Linda, I love your sample!!
    do you love awards? one of them is waiting you here

  3. I love everything about your tast sample, the scraps, the design and how it flows.

  4. Wow I like so much the colours for your TAST! Lovely!

  5. Another beautiful sampler. I especially liked the way you have added beads.

  6. your sampler is gorgeous. I love it

  7. Wow! Very inspiring stitching. So detailed and beautiful with the variety of stitches and beading that you've included.


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