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Friday 30 March 2012


 Take a Stitch Tuesday - this week is a catch up week for those who are behind. Sharon set this challenge for those who are not -

Mini challenge 1

Take 3 -6 of the stitches we have have done so far and create an interesting visual piece that will encourage  new hands or busy hands to learn and to "catch up". In other words create some eye candy for those who are falling behind, either because of busy lives or because they are new hands. 

Mini challenge 2

Share a tip on how you manage your stitching time. How do you juggle family, work and stitching? Are you organised about your time and workspace? Do you plan and schedule in your stitching time into a busy day? That is a topic people love! Either blog about it or leave a forum post on stitching fingers.

 I decided on challenge 1 but I ended up incorporating all of the stitches we have done so far.
It will become part of the fabric journal with the other samples.
The stitches are fly stitch, buttonhole stitch [around the edges of the pages], feather stitch, cretan stitch, herringbone stitch, chevron stitch, detached chain stitch, couching, running stitch, whipped wheel, alternating barred chain [I used this to couch down a ribbon, then added the running stitch later].
The sample includes various types of fabric, printed lace, ribbons, beads, sequins, butterfly charms [these were actually part a candle holder which I recycled], machine embroidery.


  1. Wow such beautiful stitchery! Amazing color use and attention to detail-love this!

  2. I could look at these all day what with all the detail. Just fantastic.


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