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Wednesday 2 May 2012

TAST 18 and Molly Drawing

This weeks stitch is 'crossed buttonhole'. I've just realised, looking at the photo that I didn't finish off a row of stitching at the top. The background was a piece of fabric I had printed on the gel printing plate, then painted - but it is the wrong side as I preferred it, the colour was too strong on the right side. There is also dyed and transfer printed laces, beads, sequins. The rosette is an upcycled item I made on another project, I just added the beads and French knots around the middle for this journal page. I don't think I have done this stitch before and I will confess that to start with I was getting in a muddle, but once I sorted it/me out I think it is an easy stitch to do. Click on the image to enlarge.
I like a photo I had taken of Molly so I thought I would do a drawing of it.


  1. Linda, I love your collage!!

  2. the colours, the combination of lace and this stitch look lovely.

  3. Lovely stitched piece, really love those stitches - and it's a riot of colour too.

    Great drawing of Molly dog too :)

  4. your stitched piece is gorgeous !


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