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Saturday 28 July 2012


Take a stitch Tuesday - this week the stitch is oyster stitch. I've not done this one before and it wasn't in either of my stitch books, but I liked it once I got the hang of it. Some of it looks untidy but I think I improved eventually. If you follow my blog you will know I finished a book of TAST stitches last week. It was getting fat and I thought I needed a change...but I found that I missed doing a new page. I found it hard to decide what to do [although I have had fatigue really bad this week and found most things a challenge]. So I did an ATC, above and a brooch made out of ribbon, below. I'm not too happy with either, maybe I should make a page after all and put them both on it?


  1. It's a chunky little stitch, isn't it? I wonder if it would make roses, if done individually? Thank you for popping over to me mad tea Party!

  2. Well I think it looks gorgeous Lin and I would make a page of it for sure!

  3. Oyster stitch is a fascinating one, good for representing flowers and braids, among other things. I think your two samples are charming!


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