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Monday 7 January 2013

Vintage Hats & Ephemera

The ladies with the hats and the spring opening card below are images from the Graphics Fairy. The envelope above from .., and the rose was a photo I took.


  1. Very cute collages. I create digital stuff but I don't have a good program, like photoshop to do better stuff. I just created a new post. Please check it out and comment. Thanks, Katharine

  2. Hi, I just stumbled across your wonderful blog and I am delighted that I did. In fact I found you at Taluula's Three Muses. We both are mutual followers of this site.
    Your art is amazing and we have so much in common as far as the types of art we enjoy creating. Because, my budget is to limited for major travel, I love traveling and visiting other artists through blogging. I am your newest follower #119, and I would love to invite you to visit and follow me back. I have made so many wonderful friends around the world through this amazing media and I'm looking forward to following your creative journey.
    Your newest blogging sister, Connie :)


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