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Friday 8 February 2013

TAST 51 and Fabric Samples

Take a stitch Tuesday - week 51 - Raised Herringbone Band.
I prefer stitches that grow quickly and this small sample seemed to take an age, so it is probably one that I won't use again. Click on the link above to see more samples.
I've stitched it in purple to go in another new journal. I've finished the green one, I'll post photos next week.

Below are the remainder of the Spoonflower fabric swatches.
I did have another version of all queens but I've altered this one for fabrics, the old one was better suited for a single placement such as a motif for a t-shirt.

This one is an altered doodle.

I have a larger version of this which is still available on Spoonflower, I thought it was more suitable for wallpaper or curtain fabric.

Another one using the doodle trees.

I had this one printed in with the last batch except it was bigger, I altered it so it would be more suitable for clothes and patchwork.

This one is actually altered snakes and a games board. The swatch looks very pretty.

This one was inspired by the tiles at the Alhambra Palace, Spain.
Have you got a favourite from the whole batch [30 swatches]?


  1. I love the "altered doodle" and the doodle trees. Tell me, arew you designing for fabrics or wall papers. Or is it just for your fun - and ours? They are looking so interesting.

    1. Thank you Anneliese. I usually design for fabrics and sometimes they are also suitable for wallpaper. I do find the designing fun to do but they are also for sale on Spoonflower as it would be nice to get a little something to cover expenses etc.

  2. The Raised Herringbone Band does take time. Especially when stitched as neatly as yours!
    Love the colours!

    1. Thanks Queenie, this sample is neat which is unusual for me! :-) Actually I think the fabric helped a lot.


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