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Tuesday 5 March 2013

TAST 55,56

Take a stitch Tuesday - buttonholed herringbone.
I found the stitches twisting as I worked but decided I liked it on this experimental piece, but then when I tried to twist on purpose it went all untidy. I've done the stitching on a recycled face wipe, painted and stamped, then machine stitched it onto plain fabric which is on top of painted stamped paper [purple book page]
Queeniepatch has some tips and links on her blog about how to stitch without twists.

Take a stitch Tuesday  - sailor stitch.
I've just done a very small sample of this stitch, it looked a bit like a caterpillar when I had done two rows so I'll bear that in mind if ever I need to stitch one. The background is fabric this time, mono-printed on a gel printing plate.


  1. With buttonhole stitch that is free standing, if you pull the thread straight to you horizontally it will sit and if you want it twisted pull the thread upwards and it will twist beautifully.

  2. You are always using such interesting material!The purple book will be full of beauty. The 'unruly' Buttonholed Herringbone stitches look perfect for your piece,; it is when you want an elegant garland that you really need to control the stitching.
    What Shirley says is quite true. In A-Z of Embroidery Stitches, there is a page devoted to the Blanketstitch - Twisted/Detached where you can clearly see how the stitches can change direction by how the thread is pulled downwards or upwards.

    1. I've been wondering about getting another stitch book and the A-Z is one I was considering.[there are 2 versions now I think] The books I have are by Mary Thomas and one by Jan Eaton and although they are different they cover the same stitches.

    2. I can strongly recommend the A-Z books. They are both great with clear photographs and easy to follow directions.
      Every stitch dictionary comes with diagams and instructions that vary a lot so it is nice to check in various books for what is the best for ME.
      Today I will add a bit more on my blog about the twist problem.

    3. They have now gone further up my list of books I want! [quite a big list, as I like books] Have you by any chance got 'the embroidery stitch bible' [stitchcraft]? Also on my list.

  3. Nice stitching in the painted background. I like purple colour very much.

    1. Thanks Shami. Purple is my favourite colour [at the moment!].

  4. Great looking stitches and I love all the purples. Neat use of a face wipe too!


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