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Tuesday 2 April 2013

Heart and Wedding

I've been away for a few days in case you had not noticed. 
Firstly I went to the wedding of my nephew Carl and his now wife, Jen at Clearwell Castle in the Forest of Dean, Gloucestershire. I made the heart as a keepsake, [the WIP last week] first I stencilled with a doily, then embroidered and beaded on one side, stitched together and stuffed. I thought I would leave the back with just the stencilling.

I'll not show pictures of people at the wedding but I took a picture of the view through the window while we were waiting for the bride.

Back of chair decoration.

Lovely grounds, a half frozen pond, there were ducks in the unfrozen parts. We had a little snow, some fell to earth as the wedding photos were being taken - looked like confetti.

A view of the castle from the pond


  1. the view through the window is great!

    1. It is, I couldn't resist taking a picture of it.


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