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Thursday 15 August 2013


Last week I didn't post much as I had visitors and one of the places we visited was Beamish - the living Museum of the North. I have been many times before as it's not far away, and I have lots of photos and now I have even more. They will be the last ones from this camera though as it broke while I was there. More to follow tomorrow - click on the images to enlarge.


  1. These objects all seem so old now, at the time they were made they must have been the hottest fashion.
    Sorry to hear about your camera, or are you happy to have a reason to get a new one?!

    1. I was upset by my camera's demise as it took good photos, but I do have a new one now and it is much easier to carry around. I'm still trying it out picture wise, there is a lot to learn and so many things it can do ...bit of a strain on my old brain cells!


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