Blog Pages

Monday 9 September 2013

The Caterpillar and Painted Pages

I've had one of my little doodles [created on my Samsung tablet] published in this magazine for kids. It is a shark in a goldfish bowl and it is a big doodle now!

More about the magazine here

I bought some vintage books a while ago and was cutting bits out and using them for collage but I thought I would paint some of the pages first. They look better in real life than in the photos. The markings were made with hand made stamps.


  1. You magazine for kids is really great. I'd love to see it.

    1. Thank you. I hope I didn't confuse you, I didn't publish the magazine, I just had one of my images in it. There is a link to the site under the image, and the magazine can be purchased from there.

  2. Congratulations! Who wouldn't want to have a cute shark in one's goldfish bowl?
    Although I don't do art, I really enjoy seeing all the beautiful and creative things you make. The book pages are so original!

    1. Thank you. It would be a bit different wouldn't it, having a shark instead of a goldfish?


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