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Wednesday 23 July 2014

Herringbone Variations

 The herringbone stitch is the pale purple thread together with single fly stitches in yellow and red.

The row across is another form of herringbone stitch - twisted lattice band. This is made up of double herringbone stitch which has been laced. I used four colours here, pale purple, yellow threaded with orange and red, although normally just two colours are used. [I should have taken a close up] This stitch is number 121 of Take a Stitch Tuesday. The fabrics are remnants of vintage wool and cord. This is a picture of my mother wearing a coat made from the purple and black fabric. I'm not sure of the date of the photo but she is 86 now and I can remember her wearing the coat when I was young.


  1. The Twisted Lattice Band goes perfectly with the tartans. Lovely photo of your mother and her coat.

  2. It is so lovely to see your stitch work again. The combination of Herringbone and Fly stitch is a good one, never thought of them together.
    I love using remnants of real clothes in my cq or stumpwork portraits. Every time I see such a piece I can remember the garment and the person who wore it. Your mother is so beautiful.

  3. I love the variety of your herringbone combinations!


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