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Monday 29 May 2017

Yellow Coin Purse

I made this purse from fabric that I'd made for the City and Guilds course, so it is quite old. The purse itself is not brilliantly made, the fabric was quite thick and hard to manoeuver and to be honest I didn't measure it out properly.
To make a fabric like this start with a piece of  background fabric, I used calico [UK], then apply small bits of fabric, ribbon, thread etc [don't leave any background showing thru]. Then top with chiffon or some other sheer fabric. To get the fabrics to stick use 'bondaweb' or 'wonder under' either side of the bits, ie on top of the calico and under the chiffon.

1 comment:

  1. This fabric making technique is similar to the way you make Happy Villages quilts. On those the small pieces are secured with a sheet of tulle.
    If you had a problem with this purse, I guess it is with the zipper rather than the fabulous fabric.


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