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Tuesday 18 July 2017

Altered Books [H of A and SSAJ]

Way back in 2012 I sorted some books for charity and this one [History of Art - Impressionism] was among them. The spine was disintegrating and not good enough to give away so I thought I would use it for art work. The idea was to be inspired by the art in it, although this didn't always work. The book is not finished but I keep having a dabble in it.

Another book I started altering in 2014 was a Somerset Studio art journal calendar from 2003. I'm just using one side and leaving the original art work on the other side. I've just taken photos of my art work this time.

Real plants under plastic

This one was a digital painting which I printed then cut up.

1 comment:

  1. I just love how you see the connection between the red umbrella and Monet's poppy field, the hats of Berthe Morisot and 'your' lady.


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