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Thursday 5 April 2018

Finished Green Crazy Patch

Looking at Queeniepatch's blog yesterday gave me a reminder that I hadn't posted images of my crazy patch that I finished a couple of weeks ago.
Sharon Boggon gives lots of tips in her book The Visual Guide to Crazy Quilting Design and one of the tips was to use plastic canvas to help keep your stitching even and straight. I didn't have any so some of my stitching is not neat and regular although it's not as noticeable to me now that the block is finished.  I did try using some tapestry canvas and it did work to some extent although the count was smaller so two squares were equal to one on the plastic canvas. I also found my marks were getting rubbed off as I worked. The ribbon roses [light green] are very small as I only had one length and I didn't want to run out before the end of the row. I've been working on another patch which I started last week.


  1. I absolutely love this kind of needle work. You are so talented, very pretty :)

  2. Oh, it is great! There are so many details to look at. Your stitching looks very neat to me, I don't think you need any plastic canvas. I haven't invested in any yet, and will make my own makeshift one if needed.
    Love the colour contrast.


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