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Sunday 19 August 2018

3D Printed Items

These are some of the items we have printed with the 3D printer. None of them have been designed by me, they were all found on the internet. I've painted them though which I found quite a challenge.

This is what the castle looked like before painting.
then after many attempts at painting - I wasn't keen on the colours on the previous attempts.
You can buy the plastic in different colours so they are not always brown to start with.
We have had a lot of spiders in the garden this year as you can see from this photo. [click on the photos for a closer look]


  1. Your spiders must be delighted with the 3D work you have been making. A spider's mansion of their own.
    Keep up the good work!

    1. I think I'll change the name from bird house to spider mansion. Actually the spiders seem to love the car as well, there are always loads of webs around the wing mirrors even the day after they're cleaned off.

    2. Do you mean your 'real' car? Then the spiders have a caravan as well, until they blow off! Better stay at home in the mansion.


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