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Friday 12 October 2018

Inktober 9,10,11,12 and Textured Squares Cushion


Day 12 - Whale
Day 11 - Cruel
Day 10 - Flowing

Day 9 - Precious

I finished the embroidery on this cushion a long time ago and then it got left on a pile of to do's. I decided yesterday that I must finish some of the pile and at long last I have finished it, the cushion that is, not the pile!
I used squares of different textures and shades of brown/beige/cream. Likewise with the threads. The background fabric is velvet, reused from a pair of curtains.

It's not the best cushion I've ever made but at least I have finished it.


  1. Beautiful pieces for Inktober. The cushion is beautiful, too, love the embroidery. I have been making new cushions for 2 years and don't seem to be making progress! Happy PPF, hugs, Valerie

  2. Gorgeous work including the lovely cushion!

  3. I loved the first pen and ink best. And I am just in awe of your embroidery skills!

  4. I like seeing the different interpretations people give to the inktober prompts. Love what you did with the "cruel"-prompt. The effect of the different-coloured threads on your cushion is great!

  5. wonderful stitching and pattern on your cushion, and marvelous drawings too! The tethered elephant foot really touched my heart. Happy PPF!

  6. Your ink drawings are lovely, I especially love the orca. The pillow looks great!

  7. Great ink art and the stitching is fabulous.

  8. Beautiful ink drawings, and I love the cushion!

  9. Loving your ink drawings well done for keeping up with Inktober.
    Your cushion is fabulous Happy PPF Tracey.

  10. love the whale.
    Other drawings are beautiful.

    Happy weekend.


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