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Friday 29 March 2019

Coaster, Gelli Prints, Drawings, Flowers

I had my first attempt at foundation paper piecing, a coaster made from some leftover scraps.
I had read that everyone makes mistakes when they first try this but I thought I would be careful. They were right, I made mistakes.

Some gelli plate printing. I did do more than these two sheets but these were best of the bunch. I've been cutting up and collaging in a little book which I'll show at a later date.

Practicing drawing bugs with ink pens in a handmade sketchbook

We've a lot of these popping up in the garden at the moment, they must be spreading because I've not planted that many. It's nice to see a bit of colour in the garden.
Joining in with Paint Party Friday


  1. Oh how lovely! Your art is charming and the flowers are so pretty.

  2. Beautiful art, my faves today are the gelli prints. Happy PPF, Valerie

  3. I enjoyed seeing your art and those lovely blue grape hyacinths look so pretty … they do spread well :)

    All the best Jan

  4. You need to train your brain before attempting Foundation Paper Piecing - that is what I learned. All too often I cut the pieces too small or placed them so that when flipped over they did not cover the area properly.
    I love your gelli prints, and the bugs are as charming as all the other animal sketches you have made.
    Keep up the good work, Linda.

  5. I love the moody feel of your gel prints Linda, and your ink drawings are fantastic looking! Happy PPF!

  6. Lovely gelli prints, Lins. And great drawing bugs. Happy PPF!!!

  7. Wonderful art. The spring flower is beautiful.
    Happy weekend and upcoming April xx

  8. Ohhhhh these are simply beautiful.


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