Blog Pages

Friday 19 April 2019

Busy Bird

I drew this ink drawing in a large A3 sketchbook

then I chose a part of it

and painted it digitally on the computer

then I 'messed' about with it to make it it into a repeating pattern which could be used for fabric, gift wrap or wallpaper.


  1. Fabulous sketch and love how you worked with it. Happy PPF and happy Easter, hugs, Valerie

  2. I love all stages of this design. It works well as a repeat and becomes an interesting wrapping paper.
    Your work is so beautiful, Linda.

  3. GASP! Oh my goodness! I LOVE this piece. The detail delights my eyes. You are a wonderful artist. <3

  4. wow- very impressive ink drawings-so detailed! i imagine the digital coloring took a lot of time too. Very cool! Happy PPF!

  5. Fabulous sketching- your work is always so good. I love this style of drawing.


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