Blog Pages

Friday 11 December 2020

Altered Watercolour, Doodlewash and Window Decoration

A textured watercolour painting altered three different ways in Photoshop

Doodlewash Watercolour Challenge




Window Decoration
I used thick paper cutouts and liquid chalk pens to decorate my windows. It was hard to get a good photo because of the reflections so I've taken photos from the inside of the house too.
They were cut out on my digital cutter not by hand and the designs were found on the web.

I'm joining in with Paint Party Friday



  1. Your cardinal is a winner this time 😘
    Enjoy weekend 👍

  2. OMG! Seriously I would like my countertops made out of the second painting. Lovely animal art and that candle is excellent. Enjoy your weekend.

  3. Whenever I visit your blog there is some wonderful eye candy. Today, you've got these beautiful window displays. Yes, I agree, they are easier to enjoy from the inside - perfect for these times of Stay At Home.

  4. Beautiful paintings and wow different the altered paintings look ! Love your paper cutout window decorations. Happy Holidays!


  5. Wow, I love what you did with your windows, they look great!!!!!

  6. A very Christmassy post, love all the different versions.

  7. Lovely sketches. And I really like the textures of the background you created. :)

  8. Oh, your windows look amazing!
    Recently I've painted birds too but from my imagination :) I'll show them nest year. Your bird looks like a real bird.

    I'll have a blogging break - Happy Holidays!

  9. Great digitale pages and the painted pictures are so beautiful and so are the window pictures too!
    Happy Holiday, hug Elke

  10. So beautiful Lin. I love how you decorated your windows too!


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