Blog Pages

Friday 5 February 2021

Paintings, Hexies and House

Doodlewash Challenge



Fairytale, Frog and Apple

Big hexies for my next bag

Rustic House
It's made from modelling compound. My husband is not impressed, he says it's good if a five year old had made it.

Don't forget to check out Paint Party Friday



  1. Lovely pieces including your rustic house, maybe your husband meant 'childlike' which is a completely different connotation haha. Thanks for mentioning 'Infinite Painter' I may try it at some point.

  2. Ohhh I love your art. As far as your Rustic House. I LOVE IT!!!!!! I think this is amazing. Well done my friend.

  3. I haven't tried hexie and the other day I tried a fabric yo yo, and it end up trash can. Thank you for visiting my PPF
    Coffee is on and stay safe

  4. Love all of these, and I think that house is really cute.

  5. What fun! Tell your hubs off for me!

  6. Love the art this week, and there's nothing wrong with your house, get your hubby to make one and see if he can do any better, I bet he can't. I especially love your penguin and mouse.

  7. Well I disagree with your husband. I love the rustic look. Your paintings are wonderful.

  8. I love your paintings, especially the penguin. And boo on your hubby, your rustic house is LOVELY!!!

  9. That are wonderful Works, the Rustic House is cool!

  10. Very nice sketches. And the rustic house looks interesting and different. :)

  11. the Penguin stole my heart! And I didn´t mind it! :)

  12. Oh, love the little penguin! You remind me of my hexies sitting somwhere in a box. I started them, but wasn't sure, what to do with them. Have a nice day!


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