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Friday 5 March 2021

Friday Catch Up - 5th March 21

Doodlewash Challenge- Watercolours



Monarch - I thought I would do a queen as monarch as well as monarch butterflies

Baby Mobile

I made the animals out of felt and hand stitched them. I got ideas from Pinterest but made my own patterns apart from the turtle which I just made up. The hanger was from Amazon, it's got music too.

It was difficult trying to take a photo of the whole thing while I was holding it.

Eyes open one side and shut on the other

Pink on one side and peach on the other

The other sides of the lion and dog were pretty much the same

Two different ways of showing the turtles markings

And don't forget to check out Paint Party Friday



  1. Love the lamb, bird and monarch butterflies ~ And your mobile creation is awesome ~

    Living moment by moment,

    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  2. Spring is here!
    The mobile is CHARMING. This baby will not want to sleep!

  3. Beautiful love the baby mobile, so gorgeous! Valerie

  4. All the watercolour sketches are realistic. The baby mobile is looking pleasant. Pleasing colours. All the patterns are perfect.

  5. beautiful illustrations, and your baby mobile is oh so darling!!

  6. Nice animal art, both painted and stitched.

  7. This is beautiful-all of it!

  8. That baby mobile is brilliant :)

    All the best Jan

  9. These are all so cute.
    Have a good week!

  10. Very lovely art and the mobile is just too cute.


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