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Friday 30 July 2021

Catch Up Friday 30 7 21

 World Watercolour Month

Feathered - I though I would give a snake some feathers.
I must be honest, I've not done all the prompts this month. I was child minding for a few days this week plus some of the prompts didn't inspire me.

But I did start a new project. I'm making a small book for a tea lover with rhymes in the style of Monday's child. These are my first drawings/paintings. I'm thinking of doing collage with stitching or a fabric book.

See more creative work at Paint Party Friday or join in.


  1. Love the feathered snake, and the rhymes for the book are super. Happy PPF, Hugs, Valerie

  2. Ohhh I love your creature. Also the other 3 are just wonderful. Have a nice Friday.

  3. Love your snake, some great art as usual.

  4. I do like the feathered snake and I think the pictures and rhymes are great.

    Enjoy the remainder of the weekend.

    All the best Jan

  5. lol, I love your featherd snake. Looks like some creature from a time long ago. :) I liek it´s facial expression. It looks surprised. :)

  6. With the feathers, the snake can pretend to be a dragon. A tea lover book is such a great idea. Love the paintings you did so far for the book.


  7. I love all of your cups and mugs! :)


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