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Friday 9 July 2021

Catch Up Friday 9 7 21

World Watercolour Month




Little Table

I've got a little table which was getting rather scruffy so I thought I would paint it, but that didn't work so I thought I would try decoupage. I did the legs first using pages from old books, art work, prints etc I didn't think about the top until I came to do it but decided I wanted something different to the legs. I had a sheet of double sided paper and used that. I cut a section of the blue side and put it on the grey side matching up the pattern. 

As it is Friday it must be Paint Party Friday! Have a great weekend.



  1. Wow, lovely art and the table is fabulous! Happy PPF, hugs, Valerie

  2. Lovely work on the table, beautiful art, love the fish.

  3. Wow I love this fish and the table. Your art is always o imaginative. Have a nice day.

  4. Fabulous paintings and great job with decoupaging the table. You have chosen some beautiful paper for it!


  5. That table turned out so nice! Love it! Glad you found a technique that works for this little beauty. And I really like that fish painting. Happy PPF!

  6. oh thank you so much for sharing your art link - these are wonderful. So glad I have had a chance to visit

  7. The table looks really cool. I love your breathing fish! :)

  8. Awesome and creative table! Love it ~ other artwork is great too ~ Xo

    Dancing while I can,

    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  9. your watercolors made me smile. My favorite is the fish!
    The table ended up cool. :)


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