Blog Pages

Friday 27 May 2022

Faces and Altered Vintage Images

The faces were created on an android tablet.



  1. These are fabulous! I have you linked. Not sure what is going on with the link up. I am looking into it. Thanks for joining Friday Face OFF.

  2. Fabulous! Love them! Hugs, Valerie

  3. I love this post! Very cool, the face is great! ☺

  4. These are so much fun! What a smart idea for faces. Have a great weekend. Hugs-Erika

  5. Hi Lin, wanted you to know that I made some java script changes on FFO and the link up will work now. Thanks for joining in. Your faces are amazing.

  6. I do like these faces.
    Hoping this comment comes through, I have commented on your other posts, and I think they may be in the spam folder?

    All the best Jan (low carb diabetic blog)

  7. I do like these faces.
    Blogger is messing with comments!
    Hoping this comment comes through, I have commented on your other posts quite a few days ago, and I think they may be in the spam folder?

    All the best Jan

  8. Love the flame coloured hair!

  9. I apologize for being so late visiting. My computer died last week after being hit by a lightening strike. I am finally back online and trying to catch up.

    These are absolutely incredible, Lin. I am in awe that you created these on a tablet. I can't begin to imagine the amount of work that must have entailed. I am absolutely stunned by how you did this. It is amazing.

  10. They are so creative and wonderful!!



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