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Tuesday 10 January 2023

SR - New Year Challenge

I've joined in with the Sketchbook Revival Happy New Year Challenge - 5 Days

Day 2 - Rabbit and Flowers / Watercolour
Day 1 - Rounded Shape /Ink
We were given a shape to use with I copied and then did it digitally and quickly because I didn't have much time

Day 3 - Curvy Shape /Ink
I painted it with watercolours before I remembered that it was an ink challenge so I drew over the lines with ink using a bamboo pen. My original outline was drawn with a liner pen.

This is the shape we were to use.

The bamboo pen and bottle of ink.


  1. Very nice drawings. Rabbit and flower is lovely!

  2. I love that little bear!

  3. Your way of solving the challenge is fascinating. Who would have seen a cacti and a bear. Poor Teddy is in need of a sticking plaster.
    I see that the 2023 bunny is a mischievous one!

  4. The rabbit painting is lovely.

  5. Awww I do like the first one with the rabbit :)

    All the best Jan


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