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Friday 24 March 2023

Friday Catch Up 24 3 23


Day 7 -  Quokka - I'd not heard of this creature, he/she looks very cute.

Day 21 - Bullfrog

Day22 - Rhino

Day 19 - Nest

Day 20 - Torch

I've got faces so I can join in with Friday Face Off


  1. Love your drawings and I have never heard of a Quokka either ... what is it and where does it live. I agree, he/she is adorable. In fact, all of your animals are adorable except, of course the eggs ... hope we see the hatchlings one day :)

    Andrea @ From the Sol

  2. OMG!!! I love all of these but that first piece is simple magnificent. Thank you for sharing with FFO and have a wonderful day.

  3. Oh I'm liking these. You do draw so well. And I like your subjects too. Have a great weekend. hugs-Erika

  4. Love the 'Quokka' ! They all are super and egg-paintings too.
    Happy weekend xx

  5. Absolutely beautiful Lin. You draw SO well. I say that all the time, but it's true. I LOVE your drawings and they are SO realistic. Just beautiful art.

  6. With you holding the pen these animals all come to life! You are such a great artist, Linda.

  7. Quokkas do look cute, don't they!


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