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Tuesday 28 March 2023

Sewing and Sketchbook Revival

I made a sleeping bag for a teddy or doll

I've been making lots of hexagons ready for a English Paper Piecing project

Sketchbook Revival 

Day 2 with Koosje Koene - From blob to colourful drawing

Day 2 with Mike Lowery - Doodle blobs

Day 3 with Helen Wells - Exploring abstract shapes and colour

Day 4 with Irene Ruby - Colourful pencil portraits
I think I need more practice with this, very enjoyable but all wrong


  1. Good work! I have been trying to work on my embroidery, it is coming along!

  2. I can see why you say "all wrong", but I really don't think it is all wrong. Everything you've shown has energy and purpose - yes, you need practice, but that is to make sure that you achieve what your mind has envisaged.

  3. Aww a lovely sleeping bag for doll or teddy :)

    All the best Jan


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