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Friday 7 April 2023

More Sketchbook Revival

Day 8 with Karen Stamper - Colorful characters.
A figure was found on the web, printed then the shape was used to cut from bright papers.
I used the back of the original print on the collage below. There was something already printed on the other side from another project. I used the cut out to paint around it.

I used the cut out as a stencil

Day 12 with Angela Fehr - Developing your intuitive style through spontaneous watercolour
I took a section of this, replicated and turned it etc to make a repeating pattern

Day 9 with Toni Burt - Sunshine on a cloudy day

Day 13 with Brandon Dean Johnson - Rough cartoon sketching

Day 13 with Karen Abend - Closing session - explore ideas, colour and meaning in a mini doodle diary.
This little accordion book was made with computer paper so is quite flimsy. I like to do the sessions while watching, sometimes it is impossible and I have to pause it but for this one I was way in front at times as I did really simple drawings. I used pen and coloured pencils apart from the house which was painted with watercolour.

I've not done all the sessions but I may do some more if the mood takes me

Also joining in with Friday Face Off



  1. Wonderful characters. Love Sunshine painting 🐣🌞

  2. OMGosh all of these are just beautiful. Each one lends a different feeling. Thank you for sharing with FFO and have a wonderful weekend.

  3. This is such a fun art post. I really need to get started on Sketchbook Revival as there aren't many days left to play. These are all so fantastic. Have a great weekend.

  4. These are really fun! Good work.

  5. I've been so busy with my recycling, I haven't even watched a single one of these videos. I really think I might be able to do the one you shared of Karen Stamper. I like how you chose your shape and went from there. Each of these was marvelous, including the house you created using watercolors.

  6. Lovely art, ou had some great ideas. I'm sorry I couldn't join in this time. Have a happy Easter, hugs, Valerie

  7. My goodness, you kept busy and you say there may be more. I look forward to it. There is so much I like about this post that it would be hard to point out favorites ... just take my work for it, it is all awesome :)

    Andrea @ From the Sol

  8. Such variety in what they had you try - something for everyone!

  9. I love your repeat patterns. You are so good at finding the right bit to multiply.


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