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Friday 7 July 2023

Flowering Air plant


My air plant also known as Tillandsia Ionantha "Conehead". It is growing on a piece of textured wood and lives in the bathroom, I just lightly spray it with water once a week. The green spiky leaves turn red/pink when flowering. I've seen the purple flowers most years that I've had the plant but the flowers only last a couple of days before wilting.  I've read that the plant dies after flowering so the flowers I see every year must be from new pups.

Unusual flowers for FOTD

I can see a face of a wonderful creature with spiky hair and purple horns. So I've drawn it just in case you couldn't see it. Oops missed off the horns.
With this face I'm joining in with Friday Face Off


  1. Wow, what a wonderful creature 😃 l saw immedly what kind of animal it is🤓

  2. It's beautiful and colourful and yes, I see that face too!

  3. I do like your air plant.

    All the best Jan

  4. Ohhh this is so beautiful. I had an air plant a few years ago but it died. Yours is just gorgeous. Thank you for sharing with FFO and have a very nice weekend.

  5. The wonderful wonders of nature!
    I wonder if there isn't actually a creature living inside this plant...

  6. Sorry I'm late visiting, but life and a flood in my basement got in the way of computer time. I saw the face in the first photo. I thought it was great. I had an air plant years ago, but it died. I guess they don't last forever. Yours is certainly beautiful and healthy, LOVE the drawing. Cute and quirky.

  7. That is a truly wonderfully peculiar looking plant!

  8. This is an amazing Air Plant. You must baby it or something. I have never seen an Air Plant bloom ... I am impressed. And yes, I saw a face of a dragon like creature facing in the opposite direction as your little face. It is fun finding faces in things, but sometimes it distracts from the actual art :( Have a great week, Linda ...

    Andrea @ From the Sol


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