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Friday 14 July 2023

Watercolour Paintings

 Monito del Monte. I've never seen one of these creatures in real life.
My entry for Friday Face Off

An attempt at Anna Mason's viola, I tend rush through so my attempt is not as detailed as it probably should be.

I'm pleased to say that my puppy dog postcard sold at the Twitter Art Exhibit to raise funds for charity. There are still postcards to buy online here. Special offer buy 4 gat 1 free now.


  1. OMGosh!!!! You are such a wonderful artist. I love these faces, including the face of the flower. You are awesome! Thank you for joining FFO and have a lovely weekend.

  2. well done. The puppy eyes can melt one heart.
    I also was creativity.

  3. These are fantastic. The expression on the pup is one look that always makes me feel so guilty when I get it from one of my dogs. Happy weekend. hugs-Erika

  4. Such big eyes on that first critter! I like the look on the dog's face too.

  5. Lovely paintings; the first one creature is unknown to me, but you got a great impression on it.

  6. Your watercolors are delightful.

  7. How wonderful! The pansy is spectacular. I have painted one recently-yours is much better than mine!

  8. All three could be postcards, but I guess the doggy is/would be the most popular.

  9. Congratulations on the sale!
    I also find that adding the extra detail is harder than tutors sometimes suggest!

  10. I am especially fond of that darling puppy. I can see why it sold. It is amazing. I also am in awe of your other two bits of art. You are SO very talented. As always, your art impresses me.

    Sorry I am late visiting. Life got in the way this week, I fear.

  11. Your artwork is beautiful. Where have you been hiding. Is this your first FFO? I hope we see more of you. Do you do pet portraits? If not, you should. Your little puppy is delicious :)

    Andrea @ From the Sol


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