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Friday 11 August 2023

Catch Up Friday 11 08 2023

Doodlewash Watercolour Challenge

Dahlia and Pollinator

Seaside, Hot Air Balloon and Water Skier

Houseplant and Ladybird

Skate Park

I'm joining in with Friday Face Off

Shaun the Sheep on the Tyne Art Trail
There are 45 different large Shaun the sheep sculpture around the Newcastle area plus some smaller ones but this is the only one that I have seen so far. They are painted by different artists in different ways. When the trail finishes the sheep are sold to raise money for St Oswald's Hospice. I was reading yesterday that 5 sheep had been vandalised by morons so St Oswald's say they won't be doing this anymore because they're are using the money raised for repairs etc How sad is that? {In 2019 they did a similar thing featuring Elmer the elephant]



  1. I just love your art. Your attention to detail is amazing. Our town did the same thing only with sea lions. I really live this sheep. Hope you get photos of more. Have a great weekend.

  2. Lovely art -Christine

  3. These drawings made me smile today. First of all I love the bee, and the people ones really celebrate summer. So does Shaun. I bet it is fun to find them and I'd love to see more. Have a great weekend. hugs-Erika

  4. Your paintings are wonderful. So sad about the vandalism of the sheep.

  5. Beautiful art, Linda. That bumble bee is awesome. I'm sickened to hear about the vandalism of the sheep. What is wrong with some people? I hope that you are having an enjoyable weekend!

  6. Sorry I'm late visiting. Hoping to be more punctual now the clean up is over. I love the bee and the skate park. Sorry to read about the vandalism of the sheep. I hope you find more before they are sold.

  7. I love the Shaun the Sheep and yes, our world is full of morons ... just think of it, they want Trump and all of his criminal baggage to be President again. We have had several paint an animal fund raisers here (I seem to recall a pig and a donkey), but not for many years. It makes me wonder if they were stopped for the same reason. Sad, isn't it? By the way, the painting on your Shaun is very clever. It should win a prize :) Have a great week and hope to see you next Thursday :)

    Andrea @ From the Sol


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