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Friday 25 August 2023

Friday Catch Up 25 08 23

Doodlewash Watercolour Challenge

17-Waffle, 18-Theme Park, 19-Telephone, 20-Crockery

21-Magpie, 22-Tractor, 23-Storm

24- Canary, 25-Sandcastle, 26-Yo-Yo

Some of the lowers in my green fingered sister-in-law's garden
African Lily

Orange Day Lily


Yucca [shame about the bins]

A bench to sit on in North Yorkshire

Monkey Puzzle Tree at Saltwell Park

Experiments with circles. 
The first image is of a watercolour painting, which I have then used in Photoshop with various filters.




Palette Knife


Stained Glass



  1. I don't see yuccas very often. Wonderful post Lin!!!

  2. Wonderful collection of art and garden photos 😍 Photoshop circls look nice too 👍

  3. I like all your Doodlewash Watercolour Challenge paintings! The magpie and tractor especially!

  4. Ohhh a beautiful display of art. Just beautiful. I miss seeing the yucca trees but we do have monkey puzzle trees here. The circles are fabulous. Thank you for joining FFO and have a wonderful weekend.

  5. You paint beautiful birds, Linda! It was interesting to see your spiral through different filters. Have a great weekend!

  6. Your sister-in-law has some lovely flowers. I've never seen those African lilies. And Your drawings are especially enjoyable today. I love how they focus around 3 words. Nice circles too. It's such fun to play, isn't it Happy weekend. hugs-Erika

  7. I love the gentle fireworks of the allium.

  8. The African lily is beautifulI'm not sure I've ever seen a monkey puzzle tree. Neither are hardy where I live but we do have yuccas, and their large flowers are beautiful.

  9. You are so good at putting all prompts into one picture.
    Your watercolour certainly changes looks with the various filters. The Chrome and Photocopy have enormous depths like a whirlpool of water going down a drain. You almost feel sucked down...

  10. Loved this post-your art and the way you manipulate images digitally. That bench is lovely.

  11. What a lovely post with lots to see.
    Many thanks.

    All the best Jan

  12. Sorry I'm late visiting this week. On Friday I got food poisoning from a salad I bought on my way home from a meeting. I was so sick, there was no way I could sit at the computer. I'm slowly improving, but my body feels like it has been through a five car pile up.

    I LOVE how you linked all those lovely drawings together. You have a really creative mind and great drawing skills.

    I adore what you did in PS. I love all those filters and I especially like the little mosaics. Just amazing.

  13. Loved the post and so much joy on this. also lovely coincidence - second Monkey Puzzle Tree in this edition of Thursday Tree Love! Thanks Lin and looking forward to seeing you on the 14th.


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