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Friday 5 January 2024

Friday Catch Up - 05 01 2024

Happy New Year

Fireworks seen at the water festival on our recent trip to Phnom Penh, Cambodia

Doodlewash Watercolour Challenge

January 1 - Fireworks {watercolours, gold pen, white pen} [are so hard to draw and make them look like fireworks]

2 - Penguins

December 29,30,31 - Cocoa, Desert and Gold

3 - Notebook

4 & 5 - Tool and Amaryllis

I thought I would join in with the '64 Million Artists' January Challenge

I've only done one so far as some are writing, and that is not really my thing.
Day 3 was dots - Will circles do? I had a lot of circles cut out from old greetings cards so I made a couple of collages from those.

I decided to add a bit of drawing to them, trees and foliage. I don't know why I did this but I prefer them with it.



  1. A rich, nice post of art.
    Have a happy start of 2024 xx

  2. Those are very cool fireworks. I like your Penguins and the challenge art is fabulous. Thank you for joining FFO and have a nice day.

  3. OO fireworks. They are always such fun and you got some super photos. I like your penguins too. Winter arrived with cold temperatures today and snow coming tomorrow night. Happy new year. hugs-Erika

  4. Nice shot of the fireworks. I will check out the January challenge.

  5. The last piece is my fave. Happy weekend, hugs, Valerie

  6. Yes, fireworks are remarkably hard to make convincing. I think you did it splendidly!

  7. You ARE thinking outside the box, Linda! Great work. Of course, fireworks are difficult to capture, they are over in an instant so impossible to draw as you look at them!

  8. I hope 2024 has started well for you.
    My good wishes.

    All the best Jan


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