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Friday 23 February 2024

Friday Catch Up - 23 2 2024

Gelli Printing
Printing with acrylic paints on a gelli printing plate and found objects, homemade stencils, plants, honesty seed pods, yarn etc

Pull Up A Seat
Hotel entrance in Siem Reap, Cambodia

There is another pull up a seat further down the post

[Roads with any sign]
Phnom Penh, Cambodia water festival, this part of the road was closed to traffic
Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
Hanoi, Vietnam

My Tho, Tien Giang, Vietnam
More of this magnificent building below also for

We went on a tuk tuk in Phnom Penh
The ceiling of the tuk tuk was beautiful
Linking with Friday Face Off too

Water Lilies

Angkor Wat, Cambodia



  1. Nice background in nature colors.
    Wonderful interesting photos; thanks for sharing 🎍🙏

  2. This is just stellar. What an entrance to the hotel. Lot's of people and beautiful faces. Thank you for sharing with FFO and have a nice weekend.

  3. Another fabulous collection of travel photographs.
    Hanoi looks busy and I like the ceiling of the Tuk Tuk.

    Beautiful water lilies and always nice to see your art.

    Enjoy the coming weekend.

    All the best Jan

  4. Wow, your trip was a real adventure. I imagine you tried one of those pull up seats. And nice Gelli prints. It's such fun to play, isn't it? Happy weekend. hugs-Erika

  5. Lovely art and beautiful Cambodia

  6. Lovely art and beautiful Cambodia

  7. Hi, Lin! I enjoyed your S.E. Asian photos and your paintings are fun. Happy weekend!

  8. That tree at Ankor Wat is spectacular!

  9. Brilliant photos this week. I was stunned by the traffic scene in Hanoi. I would not want to be driving there.

  10. Loved your art from the gelli plate. Unique.

    I was so impressed with Phnom Penh. You must havbe had a lovely time in Cambodia.

    I would have been by sooner, but my AT&T ISP was out much of yesterday.

  11. I am happy to see your stencil and stamp work again.

  12. Wow, what a spectacular tree, with roots growing over the structure. Its truly amazing. And Thanks for sharing the glimpses from your trip with us. The pull up seat, doors and windows and paintings, everything is so beautiful. I'm sure you had a great time in Cambodia.


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